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Home Plan Assistance

Self Referral Form

If you are a formerly incarcerated resident of North Carolina in need of transitional housing, please provide ALL of the information below. OurJourney and Crossroads Reentry will then work together to try to find a stable housing situation for you..

Within a few days you will receive an email with several options based on the information you provide. You can then decide which options to pursue. We recommend that you cast a wide net!

Please understand: We cannot guarantee that we will be successful in securing a place to live for you to live, only that we are committed to pursuing all possible options. Either way, we will stay in contact with you throughout the process.

Self Referral Form 
(to be filled by formerly incarcerated individuals)

*Required Fields

Are you currenty homeless?
Are you required to register on North Carolina’s Sex Offender Registry? Many places can’t or won’t accept those who have to register, but there are some places that will.
Are you willing to go to Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous? (It is five-times easier to place someone who is willing to attend either A/A or N/A
Are you an honorably discharged United States Military Veteran?
Did you work for at least 180 total days for Correction Enterprises during your incarceration?
Are you able and willing to work? Clients who can’t or won’t work are the most difficult to place and typically end up in institutionalized housing.

Thanks for submitting!

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