"Murphy to Manteo: Celebrating Statewide Reentry"
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Saturday, February 22, 2025 Gibsonville, NC
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Find A Job Assistance
Finding a good job is usually a top priority for most people after their release from prison, yet it's often one of the most difficult challenges to overcome. OurJourney is partnering with Honest Jobs to help you meet that challenge head on.
Honest Jobs was created by people with criminal records for people with criminal records, and now OurJourney can help you take full advantage of their services through their innovative Reentry Navigator system, which allows us to work with you to access Second Chance job openings in your area.
This service is available at no charge for anyone with a criminal record in North Carolina, whether you've ever received any other assistance from OurJourney or not.
How it works:
Fill out the form and click on the "Submit" button
You'll receive immediate confirmation by email that we received your submission
Within 24-48 hours you'll receive an invitation by email and/or text from OurJourney to join Honest Jobs
Accept the invitation
Set up your Client Profile (which includes a free, easy-to-use resume builder)
Within 24-48 hours you'll also receive a separate email from an OurJourney staff member with information about next steps
Interact with OurJourney to narrow down Second Chance employers in your area with job openings
Apply directly online​​
Who currently qualifies to receive a Standard First Aid Reentry Kit through this program?Anyone returning to freedom from the following North Carolina prisons will automatically receive a reentry kit on the day of his release. Albemarle Correctional Institution Bertie Correctional Institution - Medium Custody Bertie Correctional Institution - Close Custody Carteret Correctional Center Catawba Correctional Center Craven Correctional Institution Franklin Correctional Center Greene Correctional Institution - RSTEP Participants Only Johnston Correctional Institution Nash Correctional Institution Orange Correctional Center Pamlico Correctional Institution Randolph Correctional Center Sanford Correctional Center (beginning TBD) Southern Correctional Institution - Minimum Custody Southern Correctional Institution - Medium Custody OurJourney also partners with the following Local Reentry Councils to provide our First Aid Reentry Kits to any man returning to their county from ANY state correctional facility in North Carolina. Buncombe County Re-entry Council Guilford County Reentry Council
What about those at other facilities or counties?OurJourney is now accepting new state correctional facilities into the First Aid Reentry Kit program. Wardens & Assistant Wardens from interested facilities are encouraged to reach out to OurJourney about enrolling. Click here to view the information packet. ​ OurJourney is now accepting new Local Reentry Councils into the First Aid Reentry Kit program. LRC Coordinators from interested counties are encouraged to reach out to OurJourney about enrolling. Email us at contact@ourjourney2gether.com.
Is the Standard First Aid Reentry Kit program available for both men and women?Right now the First Aid Reentry Kit program is only for men returning from prison. However, OurJourney is working hard to adapt this program for our female returning citizens by the summer of 2025.
I was recently released from a different NC correctional facility or to a different county. Can I still get a Standard First Aid Reentry Kit?We would love to hear from you! Please email us at contact@ourjourney2gether.com.
I know someone who will be released soon, or who was recently released, from a prison or jail and is returning to a county in North Carolina. Can I order them a Standard First Aid Reentry Kit?Yes! Click here to purchase a Standard First Aid Reentry Kit for your loved one. Remember, First Aid Reentry Kits are currently available ONLY for men returning to counties in North Carolina. Each reentry kit is $60, which includes shipping and handling.
How can we make sure we get a Standard First Aid Reentry Kit that contains Narcan?OurJourney currently offers First Aid Reentry Kits that include Narcan only through a partnership with Trillium Health Resources, who provides our reentry kits to its justice-involved clients in 28 eastern North Carolina counties. Our goal is to expand this feature to all of our partnerships, including our North Carolina prison facility partnerships. If you would like to order an OurJourney First Aid Reentry Kit that includes Narcan for your loved one returning from a North Carolina prison, email us at contact@ourjourney2gether.com.
How can we make sure we get a Standard First Aid Reentry Kit that includes a smartphone?OurJourney currently only offers First Aid Reentry Kits with phones as part of a limited pilot program at one correctional facility in North Carolina. To learn more, click on the Digital Opportunity First Aid Reentry Kit tab.
I still have questions. Is there someone at OurJourney who can help me?Yes! Lewis Whitmire is our Director of Distribution and oversees our Distribution Center in Newton, NC. If you have questions or comments about anything on this page, please contact him at lewis.whitmire@ourjourney2gether.com. You can also call our office between 9:00 AM and 5:30 PM Monday through Friday at 888-507-3368.