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Join us on OurJourney

Foundations, Churches, Civic Groups and Corporations interested in supporting OurJourney should email
OurJourney's EIN number is 88-0782634.


If you would like to join us in our efforts please choose an option below to make your donation. All donations are tax deductible.

By check or money order

Make the check or money order out to OurJourney and mail it to:

Attn: Donations
PO Box 2862
Rocky Mount, NC  27802

By using CashApp

CashApp is a popular peer-to-peer way to send money. It is free and available for both iOS (Apple) and Android devices.

To send a donation through CashApp, choose OurJourney as the payee using - 

ID: $OurJourney2gether

By Credit or Debit card

OurJourney has partnered with Zeffy to receive donations by credit or debit card through a secure portal right here on the website.

To make a donation in any amount up to $10,000.00 using a credit or debit card, please complete the form provided.

For those wanting to donate an amount over $10,000, please use the Direct Debit (ACH) feature or contact us directly.

If you have any questions about making a donation to OurJourney, please email us at or call 252-220-1956.

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